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Цель оправды­ вает средства // Благородной целью можно оправдать любЫе дурнЫе постУпжи.

That afternoon Millie cheated. She quite frankly and ruthlessly decided that а girl had to look out for herself in any way that she found best, and if it meant being somewhat less than honest and forthright, the end justified the means. (Со/тап)

Не thought: I am cheating human beings every day I live, 1 am not going to try to cheat myself or God. Не replied, "It would bе no good my promising that, Father." "You must promise. Уou can't desire the евd without desiring the means." (Greene)

Fortrose. If I thought that would save our work here, I'd try it. But I imagine something а little stronger will Ье necessary. But not murder. Ваd mea111 make worse ends. You'll let me have your report as soon as possible, please. (Priestley)

А noble end may justify shameful mea111. But when the end is shameful, what then? It was for Lucy that he was making Marjorie suffer- Marjorie, who loved him, who had made sacrifices for him, who was unhappy. (Huxley)